Friday, May 29, 2020
Business Dissertations - Entrepreneurship Opportunity Economic - Free Essay Example
Entrepreneurship: Considering A Small Business As An Alternative Entrepreneurship creates a new field of business, despite risks and uncertainty. To achieve profit and growth, a business must identify crucial opportunities and assemble the necessary resources to capitalize on them. Most forms of entrepreneurship are small scale businesses which begin targeting a specific class of customers. Entrepreneurship business has a bright vision according to the report by many studies. Starting business might be an opportunity for people who have been the unemployed, caused by economic recession. There are two important factors to keep creativity which is the ability to develop new ideas and to discover new ways of looking at problems and opportunities. Next innovation is the ability to apply creative solutions to problems and opportunities while enhancing or enriching peoples lives. Furthermore, the three steps to implement creativity and innovation are developing a strategic plan for a business using the nine steps in the strategic planning process, and building a marketing plan, pricing strategies, financial plan, and cash flow management. These will be necessary for a small business to be successful as well as a harmony with considering the opposite side opinions. Background of Current Economic Situation The condition of global economy is in the recession and that is evidence through various economic figures like the GDP, the rate of unemployment, crisis of subprime mortgage which is a huge economic crisis to intimidate the base of economy system caused by deficit of real estate by overestimation (Oshinsky, J., Fleishman, B., Murray, J., Fields, J., 2007). Aggregate supply which is a total amount of producing by companies in a country, and aggregate demand which is a total amount of consuming by customers in a country are getting to decrease (Vogel Jr., J., 2007). Especially unemployment rate influences the real living quality of people. The more the unemployment rate increases, the worse the quality of peoples living is. Moreover, the social instability is caused by the high rate of unemployment (Barrell, R. Holland, D., 2008). Considering Entrepreneurship as a Solution In this situation, the establishment of a small business and entrepreneurship is one of the solutions to decrease financial crisis such as a high rate of unemployment and deduction of the GDP. This will provide not only the opportunity to recover the loss of many unemployed workers and the GDP, but also create many jobs and products caused by new entry of small businesses. Furthermore, there are many other reasons to support entrepreneurship as a good alternative to solve the recession (Patterson, S., 1993). Common people still regard establishing a business as a risky challenge that could lead to big failure. It is usual that one who does not have confidence in his or her success might avoid establishing his or her own business. But, if there is a unique idea to be applied in a new business, and it is certain that a competitive business strategy plan and solid management could be settled based on thorough analysis regarding the new market, the result of small business would not be risky, and could make an amazing profit. Of course, maintaining a study for corresponding customers feedback and avoiding any potential drawbacks is an essential requirement for the success of small business (Carmona, J., 2008). The Positive Aspects of Entrepreneurship First of all, there are reasons why the entrepreneurship will be appropriate for recovering and restarting a career in the period of recent recession in two points of view. In a viewpoint of the individual entrepreneur, the entrepreneurship will be a chance to create your own destiny after resigning from your former profession. Owning a business provides entrepreneurs the independence and the opportunity to make their desire a reality. It is certain that the result of managing businesses should be required to their responsibilities if their businesses are successful or not. The small business will be an opportunity to make a difference because they see a chance to make a difference in a cause that is important to them. The entrepreneurs are always looking for ways to combine their concerns for social issues and their desires to earn a good living. Moreover, the entrepreneurs businesses become their instrument for self-expression and self-actualization. Their businesses are exciting and challenging for them. The entrepreneurs usually enjoy their businesses as their hobbies, not a work. Their success of businesses depends on their ability regarding how much they are creative, enthusiastic, and vision will be imposed from their potential capacity (Klein, K., 2008). Besides, the entrepreneurship will be a good opportunity to earn impressive profits. Many of them do become wealthy. For example, nearly 75 percent of those on the Forbes list of the 400 richest Americans are first generation entrepreneurs. According to research by Thomas Stanley and William Danko, self-employed business owners make up two thirds of American millionaires. Furthermore, small business owners are generally among the most respected and most trusted members of their communities. Business deals based on trust and mutual respect are the guarantees of many established small companies. These owners are proud of the trust and recognition they receive from the customers they have served faithfully over the years. A study by the National Federation of Independent Businesses found that seventy eight percent of Americans believe that small businesses exerts a positive influence on the countrys direction, a ranking exceeded only by science and technology (Zimmerer T. W. Scarborough N. M., 2008). Most advantage of the entrepreneurship is that owners of small businesses can make their hobbies their work, and they can enjoy their work with great interest and fun. Even though their business is not successful, they can satisfy just their working process because they have a business they enjoy and love (Shah, A., 2007). In a viewpoint of the contribution to society of the entrepreneurship, not only small companies lead the way in creating jobs, but they also take the brunt of training workers for them. One study by the Small Business Administration concluded that small businesses are the leaders in offering training and advancement opportunities to workers. Small companies offer more general skill instruction and training than larger ones, and their employees receive more benefits from the training than do those in larger firms. Even though their training programs tend to be informal, in-house, and onthejob, small companies teach employees valuable skills, from written communication to computer literacy. Small businesses also produce fifty one percent of the countrys private GDP (Gross Domestic Product) and account for forty seven percent of business sales. In fact, the US small business sector is the worlds third largest economy, trailing only the entire US economy and China. Small companies also are incubators of new ideas, products, and services. Small firms actually create thirteen to fourteen times more innovations per research employee than large companies. Traditionally small businesses have played a role in innovation and they continue to do so today. Many important inventions trace their roots to an entrepreneur, including the zipper, FM radio, the laser, air conditioning, the escalator, the light bulb, the personal computer, and the automatic transmission (Stottlemyer, T., 2008). Likewise, the entrepreneurship business has a positive vision based on above facts. If the entrepreneurs want to make their business successful, they need a good plan to differentiate their business from other businesses. Thus, creativity about their business should be represented as one of the main factors of success. Creativity is not only an important source for building a competitive advantage, but it also is a necessity especially for survival of small business. Small businesses relatively have disadvantages for the high cost to produce goods and services, and narrow selling channels compared with big companies. Therefore, creativity is a very important part to motivate the company, making it more competitive in the market. Creative ideas would not be easy to be caught, thus should be found after the creative process which involves seven steps (Spence, R., 2006). Preparing for Entrepreneurship The first step is the preparation that includes a formal education, on the job training, work experience, and taking advantage of other learning opportunities. These ways can provide a foundation on which to build creativity and innovation. For instance, the adaptation of attitudes of a lifelong student will assist owners of small businesses to establish and manage their businesses. Every situation you meet will be an opportunity to learn about the business. Reading many writings even if it is not in your field of profession, will be a source of creativity and innovation which are frequently originated from blended ideas and concepts in various fields of different expertise. In addition, gathering articles related to your small business should be the great guide book to bring the information from which to draw ideas and inspirations. Furthermore, joining professional and trade associations and attending their meetings will be a chance to brainstorm with others who have similar interests. You can learn how others solved specific problems, which will give you new insight to solve your problems of business. Besides, there are practical plans to prepare for creativity like investing time in studying other countries and their cultures. This offers incredible business opportunities for entrepreneurs with necessary knowledge and experience by your global experiences. The second step is the investigation which requires one to develop a solid understanding of the problem, situation, or decision. To create new ideas and concepts in a particular field, an individual must first study the problem and understand its basic components. Creative thinking comes about when people make careful observations of the world around them and then investigate the way things work (Zimmerer T. W. Scarborough N. M., 2008). The third step is the transformation which involves viewing the similarities and the differences among the information collected. This phase requires two types of thinking: convergent and divergent. Convergent thinking is the ability to see the similarities and the connections among various and often diverse data and events. Divergent thinking is the ability to see the differences among various data and events (Zimmerer T. W. Scarborough N. M., 2008). The fourth step is the incubation which is concerned about the time of subconscious needs to reflect on the information collected. To an observer, this phase of the creative process would be quite boring; it looks as though nothing is happening. In fact, during this phase, it may appear that the creative person is loafing. Incubation occurs while the individual is away from the problem, often engaging in some totally unrelated activity. Working on the problem or opportunity in a different environment helps stimulate your creativity (Zimmerer T. W. Scarborough N. M., 2008). The fifth step is the illumination which occurs at some point during the incubation stage when a spontaneous breakthrough causes the light bulb to go on. In the illumination stage, all of the previous stages come together to produce the Eureka factor- the creation of the innovate idea. In one study of two hundred scientists, eighty percent said that at least once a solution to a problem had just popped into their heads- usually when they were away from the problems (Zimmerer T. W. Scarborough N. M., 2008). The sixth step is the verification. For entrepreneurs, proving an idea as accurate and useful may include conducting experiments, running simulations, test marketing a product or service, establishing small scale pilot programs, building prototypes, and engaging in many other activities designed to verify that the new idea will work and is practical to implement. The goal is to subject the innovative idea to the test of cold and hard reality (Zimmerer T. W. Scarborough N. M., 2008). The seventh step is the implementation. The main purpose of this step is to transform the idea into reality. Many people come up with creative ideas in order to promise new products or services, but most never take them beyond the idea stage. What sets entrepreneurs apart is that they act in their ideas. An entrepreneurs final goal is to make their innovative ideas in the reality successfully (Zimmerer T. W. Scarborough N. M., 2008). Designing a Competitive Business Model After establishing creative ideas which are differentiated from other competitors, entrepreneur needs to design a competitive business model. Obviously the number of strategies from which the small business owner can choose is enormous. But, there are three basic strategies remain permanently. First one is cost leadership. A company pursuing a cost leadership strategy strives to be the lowest cost producer relative to its competitors in the industry. Low cost leaders have a competitive advantage in reaching buyers whose main purchase criterion is price. They have the power to set the industrys price floor. This strategy works well when buyers are sensitive to price changes, when competing firms sell the same products and compete on the basis of the price , and when companies can benefit from economies of scale. Not only is a low cost leader in the best position to define itself in a price war, but it also can use its power to attack competitors with the lowest price in the market. Next is the differentiation. A company following a differentiation strategy seeks to build customer loyalty by positioning its goods and services in a unique or different fashion. That enables the business to command higher price for its products or services than competitors. The key of differentiation is to be special at something that is important to the customers. In other word, a business strives to be better than its competitors at something customers value. Last one is the focus strategy which recognizes that not all markets are homogeneous. In fact, there are many different customer segments, each having different needs, wants, and characteristics. The principal idea of the focus strategy is to select one or more market segments, identify customers special needs, wants, and interests, and approach them with a good or service designed to excel in meeting these needs, wants, and interests. Focus strategies build on the differences among market segments. Fro instance, most markets contains a population of customers who are willing and able to pay for the premium goods and services, giving small companies the opportunity to follow a focus strategy aimed at the premium segment of the market. Strategic Management Entrepreneur should plan the strategic management process. Generally small companies that lack clear strategies may achieve some success in the short run, but as soon as competitive conditions stiffen or an unanticipated threat arises, they usually hit the wall and fold. Without a basis for differentiating itself from a pack of similar competitors, the best a company can hope for is mediocrity in the marketplace. In todays intensely competitive global environment, entrepreneurs who are not thinking and acting strategically are putting their businesses at risk. Strategic management is the mechanism for operating successfully in a chaotic competitive environment. The goal of developing a strategic plan is to create for the small company a competitive advantage which is the aggregation of factors that sets the small business apart from its competitors and gives it a unique position in the market. Every small firm must establish a plan for creating a unique image in the minds of its potential customers. A company builds a competitive edge on its core competencies, which are a unique set of capabilities that a company develops in key operational areas, such as quality, service, innovation, team building, flexibility, responsibilities, and others, that allow it to get over past competitors. They are what the company does best and are the focal point of the strategy. This step must identify target market segments and determine how to position the firm in those markets. Entrepreneurs must identify some way to differentiate their companies from competitors. The initiate step of developing a strategic plan is that developing a clear vision and translating it into a meaningful mission statement. Highly successful entrepreneurs are able to communicate their vision to those around them. The firms mission statement answers the first question as what business am I in? The mission statement sets the tone for the entire company. The second step is assessing the companys strengths and weaknesses. Strengths are positive internal factors; weaknesses are negative internal factors. The third step is scanning the environment for significant opportunities and threats facing the business. Opportunities are positive external options; threats are negative external forces. The fourth step is identifying the key factors for success in the business. In every business, key factors that determine the success of the firms in it, and so they must be an integral part of a companys strategy. Key success factors are relationships between a controllable variable and a critical factor influencing the firms ability to compete in the market. The fifth step is that analyzing the competition. Business owners should know their competitors business almost as well as they know their own business. A competitive profile matrix is a helpful tool for analyzing competitors strengths and weaknesses (Shah, A., 2007). The sixth step is to create company goals and objectives. Goals are the broad, long-range attributes that the firm seeks to accomplish. Objectives are quantifiable and more precise; they should be specific, measurable, assignable, realistic, timely, and written down. The process works best when managers and employees are actively involved. The seventh step is to formulate strategic options and select the appropriate strategies. A strategy is the game plan the firm plans to use to achieve its objectives and mission. It must center on establishing for the firm the key success factors identified earlier. The eighth step to translate strategic plans into action plans. No strategic plan is complete until the owner puts it into action. The last step is to establish accurate controls. Actual performance rarely matches plans exactly. Operating data from the business assembled into a comprehensive scorecard serve as an important guidepost for determining how effective a companys strategy is. This information is especially helpful when plotting future strategies (Shah, A., 2007). Marketing Strategy After that, building a marketing plan is necessary for entrepreneurs to act their managing strategies in reality, which is the process of creating and delivering to customers including all of activities related to winning and retaining loyal customers. Thus, marketing plan focus on the companys target customers and how to satisfy their needs and wants. Solid marketing plan should determine customer needs and wants through market research, and pinpoint the specific target markets the company will serve. Furthermore, after analyzing the firms competitive advantages and building a marketing strategy, entrepreneurs should create a marketing mix for their customers (Spence, R., 2006). Entrepreneurs should understand where in their customers product life cycle lately. They also focus on choosing the appropriate channel and place of distribution and using it efficiently. Setting the right price for their products or services is pretty hard because this work need to utilize the statistic data and catch the emotion of customers regarding their products. At the end of marketing strategy, owners of small businesses should develop a promotion for their products including advertising, personal selling, creating events, and guerilla marketing that is a kind of marketing promotions focused on emphasizing unique comparative advantages relative to other competitors (Spence, R., 2006). Opposite Side Opinion People who have opposite opinions against entrepreneurship point out ten potential risks. First is management mistake that is the primary cause of business failure. Sometimes the owner of a small business lacks the leadership ability, sound judgment, and knowledge necessary to make the business work. Second is lack of business experience which indicates that most entrepreneurs tend to be beginners to be easy to make management mistakes in their own businesses. Third one is poor financial control. Effective managers realize that any successful business venture requires proper financial control. Business success also requires having a sufficient amount of capital on hand at start-up. Undercapitalization is a common cause of business failure because companies run out of capital before they are able to generate positive cash flow. Entrepreneurs tend to be overly optimistic and often misjudge the financial requirements of going into business (US Recession Would Hurt, 2008). Fourth one is weak marketing efforts that means entrepreneurs tend to misunderstand the marketing efforts. For example, owners of small businesses usually believe their businesses will make a great number of customers automatically, but it almost never happens in reality. Building a growing base of customers requires a sustained and creative marketing effort. Keeping customers coming back requires providing customers with value, quality, convenience, service, and fun. Fifth thing is failure to develop a strategic plan. Many small business managers ignore the process of strategic planning because they think that is something that benefits only large companies. Without a good defined strategy, a business has no sustainable basis for creating and maintaining a competitive edge in the marketplace. Establishing a strategic plan drives entrepreneurs to assess realistically a proposed businesss potential. Sixth thing is uncontrolled growth. Business growth is a natural, healthy, and desirable part of any business, but it must be planned and controlled. As the business increases in size and complexity, problems increase in magnitude, and the entrepreneur must learn to deal with them. Seventh thing is poor location. Business location are often selected without proper study, investigation, and planning. Some beginning owners select a particular location just because they found a vacant building. The sales business should be influenced heavily by choice of location. Eighth is improper inventory control. Insufficient inventory control results in shortages and stockouts, causing customers to become disillusioned and leave. More common situation is that the manager has not only too much inventory, but also too much of wrong type of inventory (Zimmerer T. W. Scarborough N. M., 2008). Ninth is incorrect pricing. Small business owners usually underprice their products and services for making strong competition. Establishing accurate prices is to know what a product or service costs to make or to provide. Then, business owners can establish prices that reflect the image they want to make for their companies with an observation on the competition. Tenth is inability to make the Entrepreneurial Transition. After the start up, growth usually requires a radically different style of management, one that entrepreneurs are not necessarily good at. Growth requires entrepreneurs to delegate authority and to relinquish hands-on control of daily operations, something many entrepreneurs simply can not do (Zimmerer T. W. Scarborough N. M., 2008). Suggestions for solving opposite side Entrepreneurs must know their business field in depth. Small business owners should get the best education in their business area before they set out on their own business. Small business managers have to become serious students of their industry to analyze and examine their industry for their success. Reading trade journals, business periodicals, books, and research reports related to their industry, which can guide entrepreneurs to the success. Moreover, personal contact with suppliers, customers, trade associations in the same industry is another excellent way to get that knowledge. Small business owners should develop a solid business plan that is a crucial ingredient in preparing for business success. Well written and planned business plan not only provide a pathway to success, but it also creates a benchmark against which an entrepreneur can measure actual company performance. This planning process drives entrepreneurs to ask and answer some difficult, challenging, and crucial questions. Managing financial resources is also essential part for entrepreneurs to run their business successfully. The best defense against financial problems is to develop a practical information system and then use this information to make business decisions. The first step in managing financial resources effectively is to have adequate start up capital. Estimating initial capital as much double as entrepreneurs expect will be good for starting a business because many costs that entrepreneurs do not expect will come out at the beginning time. The most valuable financial resource is cash. Even though earning a profit is essential to its long term survival, a business must have an appropriate supply of cash to pay its bills and obligations. Managing cash is one of entrepreneurs primary abilities to maintain their business. Owners in small businesses have to understand financial statements what is going on in the business. These financial statements are reliable indicators of small businesses health. They can be helpful in realizing potential problems like declining sales, slipping profits, rising debt, and deteriorating working capital that are symptoms of potentially critical problems which require immediate attention. No matter what kind of business entrepreneurs launch, entrepreneurs must learn to manage people. Every business depends on the foundation of well trained, motivated employees. Business owner can not do everything alone. In the end, most dominant sustainable resource is the good quality of the people entrepreneurs have. Starting business is like running a marathon. If entrepreneurs are not physically and mentally prepared, entrepreneurs had better do something different. The success of business depends on entrepreneurs constant presence and attention. It is critical to monitor a business condition constantly. Also successful entrepreneurs recognize that their most valuable asset of their time, and they learn to manage it effectively to make themselves and their companies more productive. Conclusion Entrepreneurship is not ultimate solution for solving recession, but it can be one of primary alternatives to help people come out of economic recession. Although there are risks to start a business, entrepreneurship have many advantages to be valuable for challenging new industry. For instance, good opportunity to earn impressive profits, making hobbies main work, and the contribution to society is representative advantages of entrepreneurship. Therefore, considering the opposite opinions, building solid managing strategy and marketing plan, maintaining a study for corresponding customers feedback must make entrepreneurship successfully.
Monday, May 25, 2020
Personality Research Paper Topics Exposed
Character Research Paper Topics Exposed Prior to starting, become familiar with the best approach to run a brain science explore. Brain research covers numerous aspects of individuals. Unquestionably, it is one of the most fascinating parts of science out there. Psychological brain science handles the one of a kind mental procedures occurring in someone's brain. As an outcome, you're lead your examination and compose your content with fabulous energy. In certain examples, understudies just devise the examination and envision the potential outcomes that may happen. On the off chance that you haven't ever composed an examination previously, it's obviously better to get a specialist help. You can do inquire about in different manners. Key Pieces of Personality Research Paper Topics Because general brain science classes spread such an expansive scope of points, you have an enormous assortment of subject plans to pick from. 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Saturday, May 23, 2020
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Friday, May 22, 2020
Essay on If College Is Worth Money: How Important Is It?
<h1>Essay on If College Is Worth Money: How Important Is It?</h1><p>You have been looking all over for a decent exposition on the subject of if school is worth cash. As an article author you don't need to think of each and every answer yourself, however there are a couple of significant pieces to the riddle. Your objective ought to be to take a gander at some different thoughts first and afterward expand on that base.</p><p></p><p>One of the principal interesting points is to consider the subject of your article all in all. For instance, on the off chance that you were composing an exposition on how the school can improve your connections, wouldn't you need to begin by tending to connections and how they can be improved? What's more, once more, in the event that you were composing an exposition on why school is worth cash you would begin with why school is important and what it can accomplish for you.</p><p></p><p>If y our article on if school is worth cash has to do with monetary issues, this may be the most troublesome subject to handle. Most understudies who are pondering whether setting off for college merits the cash will need to think about the financial advantages of joining in. Since such huge numbers of understudies are battling monetarily at this moment, this is the absolute last thing that any money related guide division needs to see. It's significant that you address this in your essay.</p><p></p><p>The most serious issue in discussing this in an exposition is that we have all observed those crazy and oversimplified promotions for 'basic arrangements' that have positively no premise as a general rule. So to spare yourself the shame, you need to take a gander at an exposition on if school is worth cash on another point. Perhaps consider a conversation of why money related guide is so significant and why it is a higher priority than any time in recent memory, or a conversation of why school probably won't be important after graduation.</p><p></p><p>Don't stress on the off chance that you can't locate some other articles on this theme. Because it isn't one of your best ten expositions doesn't imply that it is an inappropriate one. It's as yet a smart thought to remember that it probably won't be the correct article to compose in the event that you are searching for an astounding paper on the subject of if school is worth money.</p><p></p><p>Of course, you can generally decide to re-compose your exposition, yet this will imply that you need to invest more energy than you might want to compose the exposition. As an exposition author you need to invest as meager energy as conceivable on examine. All things considered, it tends to be trying to discover great materials on a subject this way and you have to consider it carefully.</p><p></p><p>As you can see, a great article on the subject of if school is worth cash is anything but a straightforward assignment. On the off chance that you realize what you are searching for, or if nothing else the general course you need to take, you can begin your exposition on the point in only a couple of moments. What's more, in the event that you do get the chance to compose a paper on the subject of if school is worth cash, you'll likely be shocked at the amount it can have any kind of effect in your decision.</p>
Sunday, May 17, 2020
Are Anger and Aggression Getting in the Way While Writing an Essay?
<h1>Are Anger and Aggression Getting in the Way While Writing an Essay?</h1><p>Have you at any point asked why more individuals appear to blow up while composing a paper? Or then again much subsequent to perusing and contemplating their proposition on the most significant point in their life? Well on the off chance that you've addressed yes to any of these inquiries, at that point this article is for you.</p><p></p><p>In the most recent decade or somewhere in the vicinity, examining and learning has gotten exceptionally simple, with all the learning helps that are accessible. Most understudies these days appreciate reading for something beyond a solitary scholastic term. One can pick up information isn't just restricted to class reading material yet in addition by the internet.</p><p></p><p>For example, on the off chance that one needs to dispose of his scholastic term tests and get conceded into a top school in his fi eld, he/she can find support from a coaching place. These focuses have experts who are knowledgeable in the subject and who can offer great and exact guidance with respect to his/her studies.</p><p></p><p>Even if an exposition doesn't contain individual things, it despite everything requires a ton of training to compose effectively. A few people get irritated at the way that they need to endure the standard stuff while they compose. It is a piece of the application procedure and in the event that somebody needs to be acknowledged, at that point he/she needs to pass all the fundamental tests.</p><p></p><p>The first principle for doing an article well is that you need to examine the standards and guidelines about the paper accommodation process. These standards change as indicated by the establishment where you are applying to. Some of them expect you to present the work without having done the composition without anyone else, so you oug ht to be certain that you know the strategies on the most proficient method to present your exposition. On the off chance that you don't think about these guidelines and guidelines, you should attempt to get some answers concerning them from the school's data site or the manager in your own college.</p><p></p><p>The next point to consider while getting ready for a paper is that this kind of data should be the most significant subject in the understudy's life, in his school life as well as in his life also. So you need to invest some energy into doing it right. You must have tolerance while composing it. Composing an exposition is difficult enough when only you're nevertheless when you have others around you, you should work harder.</p><p></p><p>Above every one of the, a new and quiet brain is required for composing a paper for the explanation that you are composing a significant undertaking and you are making a point that will catch th e consideration of your perusers and intrigue them to find out about you. With the tips given above, composing a paper in such a way will be simpler for you. Thus, don't let outrage and restlessness prevent you from performing your responsibility well.</p>
Saturday, May 16, 2020
Lowell Mill Girls Organize Early Womens Unions
In Massachusetts, the Lowell familys textile mills worked to attract the unmarried daughters of farm families, expecting them to work a few years before marriage. These young women factory workers were termed Lowell Mill Girls. Their average length of employment was three years. The factory owners and managers tried to allay family fears of allowing daughters to live away from home. The mills sponsored boarding houses and dormitories with strict rules, and sponsored cultural activities including a magazine, Lowell Offering. But working conditions were far from ideal. In 1826, an anonymous Lowell Mill worker wrote In vain do I try to soar in fancy and imagination above the dull reality around me but beyond the roof of the factory I cannot rise. As early as the 1830s, some mill workers used literary outlets to write of their discontent. The working conditions were difficult, and few girls stayed a long time, even if they did not leave to get married. In 1844, Lowell Mill factory workers organized the Lowell Female Labor Reform Association (LFLRA) to press for better pay and working conditions. Sarah Bagley became the first President of the LFLRA. Bagley testified about the working conditions before the Massachusetts house that same year. When the LFLRA was unable to bargain with the owners, they joined with the New England Workingmens Association. Despite its lack of significant effect, the LFLRA was the first organization of working women in the United States to try to bargain collectively for better conditions and higher pay. In the 1850s, economic downturns led the factories to pay lower wages, add more hours and eliminate some of the amenities. Irish immigrant women replaced the American farm girls on the factory floor. Some notable women who worked in the Lowell Mills: Sarah Bagley: Lowell Female Labor Reform Association organizer, first woman telegrapherLucy Larcom: poetHarriet Hanson Robinson: abolitionist and suffragistMargaret F. Foley: sculptor Some writings from the Lowell Mill workers: 1840, The Spirit of Discontent1844, from Lowell OfferingHarriet Robinson: Lowell Mill Girls
Friday, May 15, 2020
How to Write a Good Synthesizer Essay
How to Write a Good Synthesizer EssayOne of the best ways to learn how to write a good synthesizer essay is to look at a sample student essay on the topic. A good student essay sample is a great way to get a good idea of what it is like to write a good synthesizer essay as well as how the pros write such essays.Once you are prepared to create your own essay, you need to set aside some time to write about your subject matter. To be able to do this, you will have to write a number of paragraphs.Writing about a subject can be an overwhelming and difficult task for many people. It can also be really tiring, especially if you do not take care to do it properly. Even when you understand the process, it can still be hard to get into the flow of writing.Fortunately, there is a way to speed up the process and to give yourself some time to relax between your writing sessions and to make sure that you do not become frustrated. That way is to study an essay writing sample or a practice test, pre ferably one that you find online. You may want to take your sample essays and use them as guides while you are writing your own essay.The key to writing a good essay is to communicate effectively in a clear and concise manner. This means that you should use all of the techniques that have been established as being effective in essay writing. Even if you are not the best writer, with enough practice and the right techniques, you can learn how to write a good essay.One of the best ways to learn how to write a synthesizer essay is to look at a sample student essay on the topic. A good essay sample contains at least 10 short paragraphs in which each paragraph includes a short introduction followed by an argument about the topic of the essay. The essay should not be too long, as you want to be able to finish it within the allotted time.When you understand how to write a good essay, you will be able to create an impressive essay on any topic that you choose. This will make you stand out f rom other students in the class who write very long and drawn out essays. If you want to learn how to write a good essay, you should make sure that you get plenty of practice by studying as many samples as possible.After you have read some sample essays, you will be able to feel confident about your ability to write one as well. In addition, you will be better prepared to create your own essay. And best of all, you will be able to take a synthesizer essay that you wrote on your own and turn it into a well-written paper that is written by an expert.
Thursday, May 14, 2020
The Basics of Help with My Research Papers That You Can Benefit From Starting Immediately
<h1> The Basics of Help with My Research Papers That You Can Benefit From Starting Immediately</h1> <p>Research paper requires a lot of time and focus, which most of the understudies need. It is an especially mainstream task with most obviously teachers. Connect with your aide legitimately to go over any inquiries in regards to your endeavor. </p> <p>A prepared author can take a solitary hour to finish a one-page article (additional time is fundamental for longer papers). An immaculate notoriety is indispensable for all intents and purposes any exposition composing administration, along these lines we make sure to introduce the perfect client experience and make the correct air for our journalists. In any case, enrolling master help with composing doesn't consequently imply that the exposition will be composed by an outsider without any preparation. </p> <p>Our specialists know it all for their subjects. Besides, our journalists work carefully dependent on the cutoff time. Every one of our scholars are exceptionally skilled and are set up to help you in your examinations! Proficient authors are capable when it has to do with look into. </p> <h2>The Hidden Gem of Help with My Research Papers </h2> <p>Any kind of research papers available to be purchased are accessible here. At the point when it respects an examination paper, you may accept that the more it's the better is. On the off chance that you've just idea compose my exploration paper for me, at that point you're on the perfect way! The exploration paper should offer a solid method to take care of the issue. </p> <p>You can likewise haggle about the expense of the paper you're requesting. In this manner, when you purchase a research paper from us, you will get an important gracefully of data which might be useful later on. Ending up in such a circumstance will permit it to be vital that you buy investigate paper. </p> <p>Research paper can develop to be a genuine test, since it requires away from of the subject as well as furthermore expository capacities and ability to unmistakably put the considerations on paper. In this way, presently you ought to understand that there's a helpful strategy to manage your scholarly concerns. Picking up information so as to play out an examination in a field won't simply require some investment yet will take heaps of endeavors which will divert you from your most significant investigations. Utilizing the entirety of the proof and on the grounds of the rules, the understudies may acknowledge or dismiss the speculation. </p> <h2> The Basic Principles of Help with My Research Papers You Can Learn From Beginning Immediately </h2> <p>You will be offered to add a couple of subtleties to your buy. On the off chance that you might want to make a request, don't leave it until the previous a few days before you're to present the paper! At the point when you submit a request we in a flash get in contact with you to finish the system. All requests are conveyed in time. </p> <p>There's no compelling reason to search for various destinations as you're in the right spot at the ideal time! Our site is an enchantment instrument, that won't let the most noteworthy things to escape your attention. Notwithstanding what you need to compose, online assistance is constantly accessible, and you are capable it! Web dating is a magnificent method to satisfy somebody so far. </p> <p>Each time you require an individual to make my examination paper for me go to our site and capitalize on every singl e accessible assistance without any constraints. Utilizing our administration permits you to savor your courses. Use our administrations should you need to find your examinations! Utilizing our administrations is absolutely sheltered. </p> <p>So, you'll get 100% particular and written falsification free paper. There are a lot of web based working administrations out there, and it would not be conceivable to cover all them here. Regardless, it is conceivable to consistently demand a thoroughly free update since we might want you to be 100% happy with our master administrations. Try not to play a lottery and look for the administrations of the absolute best research paper composing administration who it is conceivable to address at any second and check the period of execution. </p> <h2> The Birth of Help with My Research Papers</h2> <p>you have a chance to make your school times the best in your life. Composing is their actual energy, and they're set up to take up your buy now! It very well may be hard to start composing, and a few don't wish to acknowledge the demand. Be sure our client won't experience literary theft difficulties and their paper is provided in time. </p>
Sunday, May 10, 2020
Learn More About The Premium Writing Service
<h1>Learn More About The Premium Writing Service</h1><p>The term premium composing administration is characterized as something that is considered as a real assistance from the online author. This is something that is gotten in kind for a distinct measure of time. It is something that isn't given by the normal consultant. Now and again, this premium is a case of pay that might be paid out by the customer for a concurred number of long stretches of work.</p><p></p><p>In a few occasions, it might be an essayist that is recruited to compose a general site or article or a basic blog. The measure of cash may shift with this however is typically impressively higher than the expense charged for a similar measure of work by the independent site writer.</p><p></p><p>This is the reason more customers are happy to dish out some cash on what might somehow be viewed as an ordinary paid piece for the general site. The explanation be hind this is on the grounds that they can compensate for any shortfall for whatever site they need to improve later on. A genuine case of this would be if a family experiences been experiencing issues with the youngster's homework.</p><p></p><p>An case of an exceptional help is the thing that would regularly be normal in the entire idea of research. Most consultants would charge some kind of expense for a couple of hours of the essayist doing research on the subject of the article or the site. Some independent essayists will consent to do the entire venture for nothing in return for the independent author getting some great publicity.</p><p></p><p>This is the place the paid customary essayist can be a fundamental piece of the site. The explanation behind this is on the grounds that a great many people want to have a standard essayist instead of an obscure one.</p><p></p><p>If you need to get into the universe of premium composing administration, you should know some significant things first. These are some normal inquiries that you will be posed on the off chance that you are thinking about being an independent writer.</p><p></p><p>What is the contrast between premium composing administration and independent composing administration? This is something that you have to know before you choose which administration you will do. You can either decide to turn into an author or independent one. In any case, there is a major contrast between these two sorts of work and this is the reason you should get some answers concerning the distinction between them.</p><p></p><p>To begin with your own composing administration, you ought to recall that there are some significant subtleties that you have to investigate first. The main thing that you have to consider is the place you need to go for beginning. There are numerous spots that you can do this and one o f them is to begin directly at home.</p>
Friday, May 8, 2020
Learn How to Prepare For Your State Bar Exam With Samples of Argument Essay
Learn How to Prepare For Your State Bar Exam With Samples of Argument EssayThe best way to prepare for your State Bar exam is to learn the basic outline of an argument essay. It will help you think about the main points in your essay and make it lively. Once you know the outline of an argument essay, you can start writing on your own.First, write a paragraph about a summary of legal opinions about whether marijuana should be legalized or not. Include your opinion on this issue and also the reasoning behind why you support this position. By knowing the basic arguments in this topic, you will be able to express your thoughts clearly. It is better to prepare a summary of arguments than writing a long one.Second, summarize legal opinions about the problem of drug abuse. Again, use this information as a guide. List reasons why the problem of drug abuse is so important. People often give out simplistic reasons for drug abuse. They usually make a simplified problem out of these problems.Thi rd, write about the medical problems caused by drug abuse. Discuss the problems faced by your patients. Discuss the psychological problems of drug abusers. It is easier to understand the psychological problems of addicts when the problems are stated in their own terms. Talk about the effects of addiction.Fourth, write about the problems caused by drug abuse in children. Explain the effects of drug abuse on children. Show the different problems related to drug abuse. It is best to write about the different problems that children face with as many details as possible.Fifth, discuss the different issues related to drug abuse. Write about the side effects of addiction. Describe how drug abusers need to handle the side effects of addiction.Sixth, write about the effects of addiction on family life. Describe the difficulties faced by people with drug abuse problems. It is best to talk about some relatives of addicts. Use real life examples to show the effects of drug abuse on the people a round the addicts. Be prepared for the emotions you will have when you talk about these issues.Finally, summarize your essay. You can write about this topic in a single paragraph. With these ideas, you will be able to write an outline of argument essay that will help you prepare for your State Bar exam.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Definition Of Corporate Social Responsibility - 1007 Words
Rogers Telecomââ¬â¢s definition of corporate social responsibility is similar to the ISO 26000 in addressing the seven principle subjects, organizational governance, human rights, labour practices, the environment, fair operating practices, consumer issues, and community involvement and development. Although, not all issues belonging to these principles were addressed. The strongest attributes of the Rogers CSR definition supported by their 2013 CSR report are organizational governance, fair operating practices, consumer issues, community involvement and development, and the environment. The weaker attributes of the Rogers CSR definition supported by their 2013 CSR report are human rights and labour practices. Organizational governance and fair operating practices were evident in both Rogers Telecomââ¬â¢s CSR definition and report as they were frequently mentioned as an important factor in all business activities. Specifically, Rogers addressed two issues under the fair operati ng practices principle, anti-corruption and fair competition. Rogers approach in addressing the issue of anti-corruption is to adhere to the Rogers Business Conduct Guidelines, guidelines that define the expected behaviour from all employees in standards of business conduct, integrity and ethical behaviour. In addition, Rogers Board of Directors must also comply with these guidelines as well as a separate, Directors Code of Conduct and Ethics. Furthermore, Rogerââ¬â¢s combats anti-corruption with their whistleShow MoreRelatedCorporate Social Responsibility Definition1011 Words à |à 5 PagesThis research study is about what the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is, how people define and how I understand this term? According to my research and observations, CSR does not have only one and constant definition. I have read a lot of definitions of CSR and in fact, they are similar but not the same. Briefly, definition and understanding of CSR depends on person to person. Thus, I am going to talk about definitions of the CSR and I will define my own perspective about the CSR. Read MoreCorporate Social Responsibility: Global Definition of Csr, Impact of Csr on Smes, Best Practices, and Strategies Could Be Implemented in Bangladesh.10265 Words à |à 42 Pagesfor CSR solely because of its economic benefits - an ethical case must be made for companies taking responsibility for the impact of their relations with society and the environment, otherwise the foundations of CSR will be far too narrow. However, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is becoming an increasingly significant category by which a company s reputation is evaluated. A variety of social and environmental issues across a broad spectrum of industries have recently been covered in the mediaRead MoreCorporate Social Responsibility And Corporate Sustainability Essay1658 Words à |à 7 PagesCorporate Social Responsibility Vs Corporate Sustainability in India: A case study on Aditya Birla Group Supriya Agarwal Abstract: Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is now a burning topic in India, which became prominent and most amplified in 2013 when companies were obligated to spend two percent of profit after tax in CSR activities set by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Government of India. Although, the concept of CSR is not new in India and has evolved and developed very well from hundredsRead MoreCorporate Social Responsibility Of India Essay1669 Words à |à 7 Pages CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY IN INDIA ââ¬Å"Crossing the Bridge from Knowing to doingâ⬠Jasleen Kaur Luthra* ââ¬Å"Successful people have a social responsibility to make the world a better place and not just take from it.â⬠Carie Underwood Abstract The 21st century is characterized by unprecedented challenges and opportunities, arising from globalization, the desire forRead Moreââ¬Å"Why Companies Can No Longer Afford to Ignore Their Social Responsibilitiesâ⬠1388 Words à |à 6 PagesAfford to Ignore Their Social Responsibilitiesâ⬠Theme of the Article Over the years, the perspective of corporate social responsibility has evolved in Corporate America. Today, many businesses have made promises to contribute to current social problems, such as the environment and labor standards. Companies are now looking at corporate social responsibility as a sustainability tactic that can benefit their overall market value. Companies that do not pay attention to their social and ethical responsibilitiesRead MoreThe Concepts Of Csr And Financial Performance1450 Words à |à 6 PagesTo measure the corporate social responsibilities and financial performance, the property and concept should be the first concern. This chapter aims to provide a detailed description of the concepts of CSR and financial performance. The framework and theories of CSR and financial performance are analyzed in the following sections. In addition, the measurement of corporate social performance and financial performance are also discussed. 2.1 What is CSR? After more than one hundred years of improvementRead MoreThe Researcher Will Use A Wide Range Of Secondary Research1294 Words à |à 6 Pagesis a multitude of definitions of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). According to Business for Social Responsibility, ââ¬ËCSR is defined as achieving commercial success in ways that honor values and respect people, communities and the natural environment.ââ¬â¢ Alternatively, CSR has been described as ââ¬Ëan action by a firm, which the firm chooses to take, that substantially affects an identifiable social stakeholderââ¬â¢s welfare.ââ¬â¢ Osie-Kwame, S (July 2015). Corporate Social Responsibility refers to businessRead MoreEvaluation: Ethical Perspectives on Social Responsibility Essay1143 Words à |à 5 Pageson Social Responsibility This paper evaluates Cohenââ¬â¢s article on social responsibility and considers how his perspective and ideas align in comparison with other management experts including Drucker and Friedman. Some key components that are included in the evaluation are: â⬠¢ A definition of the concept of social responsibility. â⬠¢ What Cohen identifies as the social responsibility of a business to the workers, stakeholders, and society as a whole. â⬠¢ How Cohenââ¬â¢s perspective of the social responsibilityRead MoreEthical Perspectives On Social Responsibility1478 Words à |à 6 PagesEthical Perspectives on Social Responsibility Corporations are encouraged to conduct their activities in an ethically responsible manner, however neither the corporate world nor academia has produced a single ââ¬â all encompassing definition of corporate social responsibility (CSR). The basic problem is that there are too many self-serving definitions that often lean toward the specific interests of the entities involved (Van Marrewijk, 2003). There has even been a quantitative study conducted onRead MoreDefinition of Csr1234 Words à |à 5 Pagesso one significant issue that most firms have been actively involved in is Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Some may debate that it decreases companyââ¬â¢s profits by spending much money on CSR. However, according to Needle (2004), ââ¬Ëgoodââ¬â¢ CSR is also good for business, a firm could benefit from doing CSR. Thus, this paper aims to explain its importance. It begins with the definition of CSR and its four responsibilities, then presents how it influences a busi ness and benefits it can bring. Finally
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Schizophrenia or Drug abuse Essay Example For Students
Schizophrenia or Drug abuse? Essay 1 English 101 11 December 2003 Schizophrenia Schizophrenia, a severe and chronic disease of the brain, affects approximately 1% of the population of the United States and more than 2 million people suffer from the illness in a given year (Speaking 4). This disorder is found throughout the world and in all races and cultures. Schizophrenia affects men and women in equal numbers, although on average, men appear to develop schizophrenia earlier than women. Generally, men show the first signs of schizophrenia in their mid 20s and women show the first signs in their late 20s. The behavior of people with schizophrenia is often very strange and shocking. This change in behavior, when people cannot tell the difference between what is real and what is not, 2 is called psychosis or a psychotic episode. The American Psychiatric Association has published guidelines that are used to classify people with mental disorders. The most recent guidelines are contained in a book called the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition (known as DSM-IV for short). The DSM-IV describes several symptoms that a person MUST have before he or she is classified as having schizophrenia. These symptoms include two or more of the following behaviors for durations of at least one month: Delusions bizarre, false beliefs. These beliefs seem real to the person with schizophrenia, but they are not real. For example, a person may believe that aliens or spies are controlling his or her behavior, mind and thoughts. Sometimes these delusions can be paranoid in nature. People with paranoia have an unreal fear or suspicion that someone is out to get them. Delusions may also be of grandiosity. In these cases, people believe that they are someone important, like a president, king, or prime minister. Hallucinations bizarre, unreal perceptions of the environment. These hallucinations can be auditory (hearing voices), visual (seeing lights, objects or faces), olfactory (smelling things), and tactile (feelings that bugs are crawling on or under the skin). Disorganized Thinking/Speech- abnormal thoughts are usually measured by disorganized speech. Some people with schizophrenia speak very little; others have speech that is disjointed. Sometimes the person will change the topic midway through a sentence. 3 Negative Symptoms the absence of normal behavior. Delusions, hallucinations, and abnormal speech indicates the presence of abnormal behavior. Negative symptoms include social withdrawal, absence of emotion and expression, reduced energy, motivation and activity. Catatonia immobility and waxy flexibility. Catatonia is a negative symptom where people become fixed in a single position for a long period of time. Waxy flexibility describes how a persons arms will remain frozen in a particular position if someone else moves them. All of which are typical of amphetamine psychosis. There are three basic types of schizophrenia. The three main types of schizophrenia are: disorganized schizophrenia, which is characterized by the lack of emotions and disorganized speech; catatonic schizophrenia, characterized by waxy flexibility, reduced movement, and a rigid posture; and paranoid schizophrenia, characterized by strong delusions and hallucinations. There is no known single cause of schizophrenia. Many diseases, such as heart disease, result from interaction of genetic, behavioral, and other factors; and this may be the case for schizophrenia as well. Scientists do not yet understand all of the factors necessary to produce schizophrenia, but all the tools of modern biomedical research are being used to search for genes, critical moments in brain development, and other factors that may lead to the illness. .uad524af982bcf5acbbc9e5ec9da24189 , .uad524af982bcf5acbbc9e5ec9da24189 .postImageUrl , .uad524af982bcf5acbbc9e5ec9da24189 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uad524af982bcf5acbbc9e5ec9da24189 , .uad524af982bcf5acbbc9e5ec9da24189:hover , .uad524af982bcf5acbbc9e5ec9da24189:visited , .uad524af982bcf5acbbc9e5ec9da24189:active { border:0!important; } .uad524af982bcf5acbbc9e5ec9da24189 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uad524af982bcf5acbbc9e5ec9da24189 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uad524af982bcf5acbbc9e5ec9da24189:active , .uad524af982bcf5acbbc9e5ec9da24189:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uad524af982bcf5acbbc9e5ec9da24189 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uad524af982bcf5acbbc9e5ec9da24189 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uad524af982bcf5acbbc9e5ec9da24189 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uad524af982bcf5acbbc9e5ec9da24189 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uad524af982bcf5acbbc9e5ec9da24189:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uad524af982bcf5acbbc9e5ec9da24189 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uad524af982bcf5acbbc9e5ec9da24189 .uad524af982bcf5acbbc9e5ec9da24189-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uad524af982bcf5acbbc9e5ec9da24189:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Alexander The Great Essay Amphetamine Psychosis Amphetamine psychosis is a psychotic mental health disorder that is caused by the use of amphetamines. It is traditionally classified as an organic psychosis. Amphetamines may cause psychotic symptoms in various ways, but usually the term amphetamine psychosis refers to a 4 delusional state, brought on by the high-scale, long-term use of amphetamines. Typical symptoms of amphetamine psychosis include paranoid delusions where the person feels he/she is threatened or under persecution, hallucinations, .
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